Jason Shevrin: [email protected], 202-994-5631
Tim Pierce: [email protected], 202-994-5647
Faculty at the George Washington University will present initial findings from a new study on the relationship between Russia and China and join experts in discussing the future of the two nations’ interactions.
The panelists at the event, “Russia-China Relations: Recent Trajectory, Implications and Outlook,” will discuss preliminary findings from a project by the National Bureau of Asian Research and the implications of the Russia-China relationship on U.S. bilateral and national security interests. A question-and-answer session will follow.
- Paul Heer, former national intelligence officer for East Asia, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Henry Hale, professor of political science and international affairs, GW Elliott School of International Affairs
- Yun Sun, senior associate, Stimson Center
- Robert Sutter, professor of practice of international affairs, GW Elliott School of International Affairs
- Michael Yahuda, professor emeritus, London School of Economics
- Tiffany Ma, senior director for political and security affairs, National Bureau of Asian Research (moderator)
Thursday, March 23, 2017; 3:30-5:30 p.m.
The George Washington University
City View Room, 7th Floor
1957 E St., NW
Washington, D.C.
Foggy Bottom-GWU Metro (Blue, Orange and Silver lines)
Media interested in attending must contact Jason Shevrin at [email protected] or 202-994-5631.