Media Tip Sheet: Biden Admin Climate Change Policy

August 23, 2023

GW's Emily Hammond

WASHINGTON (August 23, 2023)—In August 2022 President Joe Biden began execution on a climate change initiative to reduce harmful emissions and promote clean energy. Almost a year later and the Biden administration has hit more than a few road blocks. A Washington Post-UMD poll found that few adults know about practices responding to global warming and climate change. After the hottest month on Earth was recorded in July 2023, and continued heat waves expected, the Biden Administration is “in the hot seat” for change.

If you would like more context on the matter, please consider Emily Hammond, Glen Earl Weston Research Professor at the George Washington University Law School. Professor Hammond is a nationally recognized expert in energy law, environmental law, and administrative law. Their research focuses on the regulatory process, the responses of various legal institutions to scientific uncertainty, climate change, the law of water quality and electricity markets. Professor Hammond is currently working on a project that includes the examination of administrative law in regional and local offices, as well as exploration into how federal energy and environmental laws have enabled, shaped and hindered grassroots resistance movements.

To speak with Professor Emily Hammond, please contact Media Relations Specialists Shannon Mitchell at [email protected].
