Media Tip Sheet: Chinese Nationals Real Estate Buying Limitations

August 22, 2023

Donald Clarke

WASHINGTON(August 22, 2023)— Throughout the summer, more states have been added to the  list of those passing legislation that restricts Chinese nationals from buying property. Montana, Virginia and North Dakota join the now 21 states to do so. The legislation passed restricts Chinese nationals from purchasing property within 10 miles of any military bases. Supporters say these restrictions are made to protect national security. The law is currently being challenged in court.

If you would like more context on the subject, please consider Donald Clarke, David Weaver Research Professor of Law and the George Washington University Law School. Professor Clarke is an expert in Chinese Law with a special interest in US-China relations. Professor Clarke has a history of teaching in US property law, and can speak to the American and Chinese Law surrounding this issue. In addition, Professor Clarke has previously written on a similar topic that can be found here, Texas bill to ban purchase of real estate by Chinese: some unintended consequences?

To speak with Professor Donald Clarke, please contact Media Relations Specialist Shannon Mitchell at [email protected].