Media Tip Sheet: Google Scales Back Use of AI in Search Results After Glaring Mistakes

May 31, 2024

magnifying glass hovering over Google search bar

Google announced its scaling back its use of artificial intelligence in its search results after the technology made some serious errors, like telling users to put glue on their pizza and saying that Barack Obama was Muslim. According to The Washington Post, the company started using AI on top of search results for most people in the United States two weeks ago. Google confirmed Thursday that the company was scaling back some of the AI answers.

GW's Patrick Hall

If you’re looking for more context on this matter, please consider Patrick Hall, a teaching assistant professor of decision sciences at the George Washington University School of Business. He teaches data ethics, business analytics, and machine learning classes. Prior to joining the GW School of Business, Patrick co-founded BNH.AI, a boutique law firm focused on AI governance and risk management. He led's efforts in responsible AI, resulting in one of the world's first commercial applications for explainability and bias mitigation in machine learning. 

Hall also conducts research in support of NIST's AI risk management framework and is affiliated with leading fair lending and AI risk management advisory firms. He can discuss topics related to building trustworthy AI, bias in AI systems, and AI regulation efforts, among other AI-related issues.

If you would like to speak with Prof. Hall, please contact GW Senior Media Relations Specialist Cate Douglass at [email protected].
