Media Tip Sheet: GW Expert Can Discuss Health Claims About Fish Oil Supplements

August 23, 2023

Leigh Frame

WASHINGTON (August 23, 2023)—A new study published in JAMA Cardiology looked at labels from more than 2,000 fish oil supplements that made health claims and found the vagueness of the wording used by marketers could lead to misinforming consumers about the health role of the dietary supplement. The researchers found that labels on omega-3 fatty acids supplements, which are also called fish oil, often make claims that they support positive heart, mind or mood outcomes with cardiovascular health claims as the most commonly cited.

Leigh Frame is an associate professor of clinical research & leadership at the George Washington School of Medicine & Health Sciences, and co-director of the GW Resiliency & Well-being Center. Her work focuses on the role of nutrition and immunity through the lens of clinical research and she has studied omega-3 supplements.

To schedule an interview with Leigh Frame, please contact Rachel Larris at [email protected].