Media Tip Sheet: GW Experts Available to Comment on Rise of Cancer Among Younger People

August 18, 2023

An alarming new study is finding that cancer among younger Americans, particularly women, is on the rise, with some of the biggest increases among younger people diagnosed with gastrointestinal and breast cancers. According to the study, cancers among older adults have declined, while cancers among people younger than 50 have increased slightly overall, with the largest increases among those ages 30 to 39.

Faculty experts at the George Washington University are available to offer insight and analysis on these findings. To speak with an expert, please contact Rachel Larris at [email protected].

Rachel Brem

Rachel Brem, is director of breast imaging and intervention at the GW Cancer Center and professor of radiology at the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences. She is the co-author of “No Longer Radical Understanding Mastectomies and Choosing the Breast Cancer Care That's Right For You” by Simon and Schuster, a guide to understanding breast cancer detection, prevention, and treatment options. She is available to discuss breast cancer detection in younger adults. 




Maria Borum

Marie Borum is a professor of medicine and director of the Division of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases at the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences. She is available to discuss the increase in colon cancer in younger adults.