Media Tip Sheet: GW Legal Expert on Potential AI Executive Order

September 29, 2023

Aram Gavoor

WASHINGTON(September 29, 2023)—The Biden administration has heard hearings, warnings and praises on AI and its capabilities throughout their term. The public is anticipating an executive order in the coming weeks on dealing with artificial intelligence. CNN carried President Biden’s remarks on the subject as, “This fall, I’m going to take executive action, and my administration is going to continue to work with bipartisan legislation, so America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation.”

For more context on the subject matter, please consider Aram A. Gavoor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Professorial Lecturer in Law; Professor (by courtesy), Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration. Dean Gavoor is an internationally recognized scholar is American administrative law, national security and federal courts. Gavoor served as Senior Counsel for National Security in the Civil Divison of the U.S. Department of Justice and as third-in-rank Counselor to the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the White House Office and Management and Budget.

If you wish to speak with Dean Aram Gavoor, please reach out to Media Relations Specialist Shannon Mitchell at [email protected].
