Media Tip Sheet: Mark Twain Prize for American Humor and Political Humor in America

March 24, 2025

WASHINGTON (March 24, 2025)- The Kennedy Center hosted comedians in Washington DC this past Sunday to honor (or roast) Conan O’Brien as the recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor Award. Though O’Brien wasn’t the only name mentioned on stage- as The Washington Post reports that some of the United States best-known comedians reserved “some of their haymakers for the man whose portrait now hangs on the venue’s wall: President Donald Trump.”

For more context on the matter, please consider Todd Belt, director of the Political Management Program at the GW Graduate School of Political Management. Belt is an expert on the presidency, campaigns and elections, mass media and politics, public opinion, and political humor. Belt can address and answer What makes something funny? Why are some people funnier than others? Do liberals overreact to humor? Are conservatives not funny? Why are there so many liberal comedians? And How do politicians use humor effectively?

To speak with Dr. Todd Belt, please contact Media Relations Specialist Shannon Mitchell at [email protected].
