Media Tip Sheet: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Leaves Democratic Party

December 9, 2022

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona announced she is leaving the Democratic Party and becoming an independent. Sinema has long cast herself as a quirky maverick following in the footsteps of the late Sen. John McCain, often to the chagrin of Democrats as she helped derail portions of President Biden’s agenda. Sinema says she will not caucus with the Republicans, which should preserve the Democrats’ thin Senate majority, but the ripple effects of her decision remain to be seen.

Legislative Affairs program director Casey Burgat and Political Management program director Todd Belt of the GW Graduate School of Political Management are available to provide insight on Sinema’s change in political affiliation. They can comment on the new state of play in the Senate and the implications for the 2024 election.

If you would like to schedule an interview with a GW faculty expert, please contact GW Media Relations at [email protected].