Media Tip Sheet: Tucker Carlson’s Exit From Fox News

April 24, 2023

Peter Loge

In a brusque midday statement, Fox News announced the departure of Tucker Carlson. The network did not explain why it was cutting ties with the host of its most popular primetime program, nor did it specify if Carlson was dismissed or if he decided to leave on his own.

Peter Loge is an associate professor of media and public affairs at the George Washington University and the director of the Project on Ethics in Political Communication. Here are Professor Loge’s thoughts on the parting of ways between Fox News and Carlson:

“At this point, we don't know much about why Tucker Carlson and Fox decided to ‘part ways.’ Absent more information, people are rushing into the void with their favorite theories. For some, Carlson's sins weren't undermining democracy, but rather insulting his bosses. For others, it's proof that even at Fox someone can go too far. Trump supporters may see it as further proof that Fox is really part of the mainstream media and deep state. Others may see something even more nefarious afoot and speculate about his closet-to-skeleton ratio.

The next round of speculation will be what Carlson does next. It is difficult to imagine him going quietly into this political night. Carlson very publicly pandered to a president he privately reviled, hard to see him saying "well I had a good run" and spending the rest of his days quietly tending to begonias.”

To schedule an interview with Professor Loge, please contact GW Media Relations at [email protected].