Media Tip Sheet: Inflation Hits Three-Year Low, Paving the Way for Fed to Cut Interest Rates

September 11, 2024

U.S. inflation has eased to a three-year low, paving the way for the Federal Reserve to potentially cut interest rates next week. Consumer prices are continuing to stabilize following significant increases in previous years. This decline in inflation signals a shift in focus for the Fed as they move towards supporting the labor market amidst concerns over rising consumer debt and slower wage growth.

Faculty experts at the George Washington University are available to provide context, commentary and analysis on this matter. If you would like to speak to an expert, please contact GW Media Relations Specialist Tayah Frye at [email protected].

Tara Sinclair is the director of the GW Center for Economic Research, which focuses on economic forecasting. Her research models, explains, and forecasts macroeconomic fluctuations and trends. She also evaluates forecasts, particularly with respect to their role in policy and decision-making.  She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in macroeconomics and econometrics. In 2022-2024 she served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macroeconomics in the Office of Economic Policy at the Department of Treasury.

Pao-Lin Tien is Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Department of Economics, George Washington University. Professor Tien received her Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from Washington University in St. Louis, and earned her B.A. in Mathematics-Economics from Wesleyan University. Prof. Tien most recently worked as a research economist at the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and was Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University. Professor Tien’s research interest focuses generally on empirical macroeconomics. She has publications and working papers in the area of international economics, monetary economics, business cycle fluctuations, and forecasting.
