Upcoming GW Event: Okinawa's Subnational Diplomacy

Wed, 11 September, 2024 4:00pm - 5:15pm

September 4, 2024

Cate Douglass; [email protected]
Shannon Mitchell; [email protected]

The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs and the GW Sigur Center for Asian Studies will host Denny Tamaki, Governor of Okinawa, Japan, for a conversation about cooperation in East Asia on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

The security and economic environment surrounding Okinawa is becoming more uncertain and worrisome. In response, the Okinawa Prefectural Government recently launched its Subnational Diplomacy initiative to promote cooperation and prevent conflict in East Asia. Governor Denny Tamaki of Okinawa will discuss the basic thinking behind this Subnational Diplomacy, some of the concrete steps taken thus far, and the prospects for the future. Then, a panel of prominent experts on Japan, international relations, and security policy will comment on Governor Tamaki’s remarks and assess the opportunities and constraints that Okinawa faces to develop and exert its influence in shaping the regional environment. 

Find more details about the programming and panelists here

Wednesday, September 11, 2024; 4:00 - 5:15pm EST

Elliott School of International Affairs- State Room, 7th Floor
  The George Washington University
  805 21st Street, NW 
  Washington DC 20052

Journalists interested in attending the event must notify Cate Douglass at [email protected] and Shannon Mitchell at [email protected].


Open to everyone.

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