Week of August 3

August 3, 2015

Bloomberg quoted Linda Livingstone, dean of the School of Business, in the article White House Tells Business Schools to Make Women a Priority, by Natalie Kitroeff. 
KPCC-FM, Los Angeles, spoke to Spencer Overton, professor of law, about the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.
In The Washington Post John Sides, associate professor of political science, authored the article There are only 497 things you need to know about tonight’s Republican debate.
The Huffington Post mentioned GW was named the 2015-16 most politically active college by The Princeton Review in the article The Most Politically Active Colleges In 2015-16 According To The Princeton Review, by Tyler Kingkade.
Boston Globe mentioned that a GW researcher is seeking access to pages from Eleanor Roosevelt’s FBI dossier in the article Eleanor Roosevelt a leading candidate for $10 bill, poll shows, by Doug Most.
WMAL-AM spoke to Pamela Jeffries, dean of the School of Nursing, about Virginia’s nurse shortage.
Slate quoted Marcus King, John O. Rankin Associate Professor of International Affairs, in the article Pentagon Issues Scary Climate Security Report, as Russia Lays Claim to Vast Arctic Territory, by Eric Holthaus. 
In the Conversation Ruth Lopert, professorial lecturer of health policy and management, and Deborah Gleeson co-authored the article How the battle over biologics helped stall the Trans Pacific Partnership.
The San Jose Mercury News quoted Michael Cornfield, associate professor of political management, in the article GOP presidential race: Trump Fever enticing even Democrats to tune in to first debate, by Josh Richman and Sophie Mattson.
The Washington Post mentioned GW’s announcement that Sanjit Sethi will lead the Corcoran in the article University names first director of Corcoran School of the Arts and Design, by Peggy McGlone.
Washingtonian featured Lynn Goldman, dean of the Milken Institute School of Public Health, and quoted Bernard Demczuk, assistant vice president for district relations, in the photo gallery Ceviche, Cake, and Apple Cider Vinegar: What 9 Influential Washingtonians Eat for Breakfast, by Elissa Miolene and Angie Hilsman.
The New York Times quoted Robert Brauneis, professor of law, in the article An Old Songbook Could Put ‘Happy Birthday’ in the Public Domain, by Ben Sisario.
The Los Angeles Times in the article Trump dominates the conversation but has done little to build support, by David Lauter.
In the Huffington Post, Amitai Etzioni, University Professor of Sociology and professor of international relations, authored the article We Can Defeat ISIS.
WAMU-FM spoke to Christopher Leinberger, Charles Bendit Distinguished Scholar and research professor of urban real estate, about the first anniversary of Metro’s Silver line.
Nature quoted James Clark, Ronald Weintraub Professor of Biology, in the article Four-legged snake fossil sparks legal investigation, by Anastasia Christakou. 
The Houston Chronicle quoted Scott Pace, director of the Space Policy Institute, in the article For the first time Chinese research to fly on NASA's space station, by Eric Berger.
UPI featured a Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology study in the article Study: Homo genus origins not dictated by body size increase, by Brooks Hays. 
The News and Observer mentioned a GW study of Medicaid in the article The case for improving, not repealing the imperfect ACA, by Keith Wilson. 
Washington Examiner mentioned a GW study of women’s health in the article Defunding vote sparks debate over women's health providers, by Paige Winfield Cunningham. 
The Daily Beast quoted Laura Dickinson, Oswald Symister Colclough Research Professor of Law, in the article The Company Getting Rich Off the ISIS War, by Kate Brannen. 
National Journal mentioned a GW study on women’s health in the article What Happens if Planned Parenthood’s Federal Funding is Ended? by Caitlin Owens. 
The New York Times quoted Sara Rosenbaum, Harold and Jane Hirsh Professor of Health Law and Policy, in the article Puerto Ricans Brace for Crisis in Health Care, by Lizette Alvarez and Abby Goodnough. 
Fox News Channel spoke to Frank J, Cilluffo, associate vice president and director of the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, about lone wolf terrorists.
The Associated Press mentioned a new GW political course in the article New Hampshire, Washington schools offer political course.