Week of July 6

July 6, 2015

Health Day quoted Suhui Li, assistant professor of healthy policy and management, in the article “Deaths From High Blood Pressure Should Plummet Under 'Obamacare': Study,” by Dennis Thompson.

CBS This Morning interviewed John Carruthers, director of the Sustainable Urban Planning program, about adaptive reuse; corresponding article: “D.C. to turn transportation past into pop-culture hub.”

Science quoted Allison Macfarlane, director of the Center for International Science and Technology Policy, in the article “Deep sleep,” by Warren Cornwall.

The Atlantic quoted Jeffrey Cohen, professor of English and director of the Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, in the article “The Selfie and the Self,” by Menachem Wecker.

The Chronicle of Higher Education  discussed efforts by the GW Institute of Public Policy and two partner organizations to build a credential registry in the article “Researchers Plan ‘Credential Registry’ to Compare Educational Qualifications,” by Mary Ellen McIntire.

NPR’s Goats and Soda quoted Ann Rowe, research associate at the George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum, in the article “This Must Be A First: Alpacas Blessed In Nation's Capital,” by Jessie Rack.

Fox News (online), from Live Science, quoted Michael Irwig, associate professor of medicine, in the article “Low testosterone may raise depression risk,” by Susan Scutti.

The Washington Examiner quoted John Banzhaf, professor of law, in the article “Washington Redskins lose again, Supreme Court next for 'Hail Mary' to save trademark,” by Paul Bedard.

The Washington Post quoted John Powers, associate clinical professor of medicine, in the article “This bill promises to speed up drug approvals so much that it’s making people uncomfortable,” by Carolyn Johnson.

The Hill interviewed Sarah Binder, professor of political science, about the future of Obamacare.

The Associated Press quoted Alan Morrison, Lerner Family Associate Dean for Public Interest and Public Service Law, in the article “Court upholds ban on contractor political contributions,” by Sam Hananel.

The Washington Times quoted Henry Nau, professor of political science and international affairs, in the article “Greek debt crisis could give Russia opening to expand influence in region,” by Jacqueline Klimas.

WTOP-FM (online) quoted Robert Shesser, chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine, in the article “Hot weather can be silent killer to the sick, elderly,” by Paula Wolfson.

NPR (online) referenced a paper produced by the GW Solar Institutein the article “Obama Administration Aims To Expand Access To Solar Power,” by Brian Naylor.

The New York Times quoted Susan F. Wood, executive director of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health, in the article “After Health Care Act, Sharp Drop in Spending on Birth Control,” by Sabrina Tavernise.

Inside Higher Ed quoted Hugh Gusterson, professor of international affairs and anthropology, in the article “Embedded Conflicts,” by Scott Jaschik.

ABC News quoted Lorenzo Vidino, director of the Program on Extremism, in the article “Turnabout: ISIS Fighter Makes July 4 Threat, Reportedly Killed That Day,” by Brian Ross, Megan Churchmach and Cho Park.

The Wall Street Journal quoted a report from Stephen Rose, research professor at the GW Institute of Public Policy, in the article “Just How Stagnant Are Wages, Anyway?” by Josh Zumbrun.

WBUR-FM’s “On Point” spoke to Scheherazade Rehman, professor of international business/finance and international affairs, about the economic crisis in Greece.

The Boston Globe quoted Lisa Delpy Neirotti, associate professor of sport management, in the article "Boston 2024 counting on corporate America for $1.52 billion," by Mark Arsenault.

The New York Times quoted Miriam Galston, associate professor of law, in the article “IRS Expected to Stand Aside as Nonprofits Increase Role in 2016 Race,” by Eric Lichtblau.

CSPAN2 aired a discussion of the book “The Bill of Rights: The Fight to Secure America’s Liberties” led by Maeva Marcus, research professor of law and director of the Institute for Constitutional History.

KPIX-TV, CBS 5, San Francisco, profiled recent graduate Musadiq Bidar.

The Los Angeles Times quoted Tara Sinclair, associate professor of economics, in the article “U.S. economy adds 223,000 jobs in June; unemployment rate falls to 5.3 percent,’’ by Don Lee.

The Atlantic quoted Daniel Solove, John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law, in the article “Who Owns Your Face?’’ by Robinson Meyer.