News & Announcements

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Media Tip Sheet: Supreme Court Hears Arguments for Case that Could Restrict Emergency Abortions

Today, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on a case that could restrict abortions and other types of emergency medical care all over the United States.

Media Tip Sheet: Biden Administration Mandates Nursing Staff Minimum at Nursing Homes

In an announcement by the Biden Administration, nursing homes will now be mandated to have a minimum number of nurses on-site.

birds eye view of solar panels on a home along the water

Media Tip Sheet: California's Solar Power Phenomenon

Residential solar panels are so popular in California that the state has enough solar power to provide over a quarter of its electricity.


Media Tip Sheet: WHO Issues Concern Following Increase in Bird Flu

The World Health Organization has raised concerns after eight states are reporting bird flu cattle outbreaks. WHO is urging US officials to monitor the situation closely as it can be transmitted in...


Media Tip Sheet: CDC Issues Warning of Extreme Heat Dangers After Uptick in ER Visits in 2023

As summer approaches, the CDC is issuing a warning to protect yourself during extreme heat.

Media Tip Sheet: FTC Votes on Noncompete Agreements

Five members of the FTC will be voting today on whether to issue a final rule banning noncompetes.

AI in Political Campaigns: How it’s being used and the ethical considerations it raises

The use of artificial intelligence in political campaigns and messaging is ramping up.

TikTok Logo

Media Tip Sheet: House Passes Potential TikTok Ban as Part of Foreign Aid Bill

The House advanced efforts to potentially ban TikTok in the United States when it attached the bill as part of a broader package sending aid to Israel and Ukraine.

Healthcare worker

Media Tip Sheet: WHO Issues Report on Airborne Transmission of Diseases

The World Health Organization and about 500 experts have come to a consensus about what it means when a disease travels through the air, a clarification that could improve public health messaging and...

Media Tip Sheet: Discontent in the GOP Escalates as Foreign Aid Dispute Continues

Speaker Johnson faces escalating pressure from within his party regarding foreign aid packages.